Kennedy Valve
Located in Elmira, NY, Kennedy Valve employs over 400 people with annual sales in excess of $125 million. Additional economic impacts include:
· $24.5 million in annual payroll
· $31.6 million of local purchases of material and services
· Payments of $6.6 million a year on utilities
· Generating almost $212,300 in property tax revenue in the Elmira area
· Supporting more than 400 jobs and $31.6 million in economic activity throughout the State of New York CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS
Since 1997, McWane, Inc. has placed in service in excess of $32 Million in Capital improvement projects in this facility to make its production processes safer, environmentally sound and more productive to ensure relatively consistent employment levels.
Since 1997, over $4.5 million has been invested in capital improvements related to environmental control and pollution prevention. This represents 13.8 percent of total capital spending during the period. An additional $11 million in operating expenses was also invested in environmental, health and safety related efforts. Examples of environmental upgrades include the following:
· Phase I of improvements to the air systems in the melt area
· Phase II of improvements to stormwater drainage
· Chip Cyclone/Dryer/Briquette Machine
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